
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hebrews 1-6

Am I dull of hearing?
Lacking faith? Hope?
Or do I harden not my heart?
Trusting Him to help me cope?
If hope is an anchor for my soul,
Am I being tossed about or steady towards the goal?
Come boldly to the throne of grace;
He beckons through this earthly race.
As Captain of my salvation,
I can trust His knowledge as motivation.
He has suffered; He has been tempted;
He understands all, no one is exempted.
So have faith, believe, and trust;
Be obedient, stand firm against each gust.
The winds will come, the storms descend,
Christ is my refuge--I must defend!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon

Last days, perilous times,
      How shall we make it through?
Faith unfeigned, doctrines of truth,
      Good works will sustain you.
Send supplications heavenward
      For leaders far and near.
Live and teach your testimony
      With power and love, not fear.
For all who choose to Follow
      Become beloved family,
And join with us, eyes full of hope,
      Watching, serving--happily!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

1 Thessalonians

Faithful Companion, loves us all--
Calling us to holiness.
Rhythms of faith, hope, and love,
Promote society harmonious.
Children of light--
Come watch; Rejoice!
Render thanks above,
Raise up your voice
To the God of light and love
Walk with Him every day;
Follow carefully.
Faithfully serve at His side
For all eternity.


My brother sent me a copy of a poem I wrote in high school. When I asked where he had found that, he said it was put into a time capsule when my hometown chapel was built about 20 years ago. It reminded me of how much I used to enjoy writing poetry. I was never really good at it, but it helped me stop and think about things a bit more deeply. With our church's new Come, Follow Me study of the scriptures, I thought it would be a great goal to write at least one poem to go along with what we are studying each week. So that is my new goal and I thought I would share them here.
This is the poem I wrote as a teenager that inspired this renewed interest: